The Siege of Sanctus Binary – Narrative Battle Report

Part One Prologue As dawn broke over the manufactorum, Ivar Ragnarsson surveyed his surroundings. He was a long way from Asaheim now, it had been sixty years since he’d left and Ivar felt a sense of longing for its great glaciers, deep impenetrable forests and unforgiving climate. To a lesser man, missing such things would […]

Malmo Wargaming Weekend – Report (Champs)

What. An. Epic. Weekend.   I really dislike that miserable post-tournament period, when you are back at work wondering where that weekend went. Like clockwork, 9am the following day I am busy perusing the next available overseas tournaments with tickets still available. There is a lot to be said for an overseas tournament as there […]

Hobbying: My Struggle

  There are many things I love about being a hobbyist. One of things I hate though is talking to other people that are not hobbyists about my passion for being a hobbyist, it never translates well and I am definitely yet to master that in conversation. It tends to be a subject that I […]