Omnissiahs blessings to one and all. This is a quick and easy tutorial to achieve that dusty Mars base to make everyone’s favourite robots feel right at home. If you have any questions, comments or feedback about the process then drop us a comment (binary is fine) and we will get back to you. General […]
Tag: warhammer40k
Necrons and Scuttling Scorpions
Hello my fellow table top ballers, I am here to write about one of my other armies I am slow growing, Necrons. Champs has previously spoke about a balanced and strong list he is building which will look fantastic on the tabletop and coupled with his strategic nous will be a real handful. I have […]
Tutorial – Paved City Bases
I’ve had a few requests on Instagram for a step-by-step guide on my paved city bases. My Blood Angels are deployed in the ruins of an Imperial city. They stride through rubble and across broken city streets whilst crushing the enemies of the Imperium! I wanted to be able to produce paved city bases quickly […]
Primaris Are Back, And The Colour is Death Watch Black
Hello again fellow nerdists, it’s Garfield here to talk about one of my slow grow armies, The Death Watch. On the back of the their Codex release, Death Watch are back on the scene in a big way and made Primaris marines the true super troopers they were always meant to be. For my HQs […]
Champs’ Army Update: Necrons
Champs’ Army Update: Necrons They ruled once. They will rule again. Or will they? I am not so sure. Ever since its March release date I have been scratching my head at trying to figure out how this army works. It could just be me but, like any fanboy, I jumped at the […]
Fingers’ Army update – Adeptus Custodes
As well as show casing our completed armies, we will also be taking sneak peaks at what the Rapid Fire Wargaming teams are working on at the moment. I’ll kick us off! Although my main army, Admech, do have some mobile units, I found that by playing Forgeworld Mars I mostly relied on a […]
By the beard of the Allfather…we are only up and running…
(That’s enough ‘Spacewolfisms’ for one day thank you very much). So what’s Rapidfire Wargaming all about then? Good question….let’s begin! Myself (Fingers) and my fellow nerdling Ross (Champs) were lucky enough to play 40k at SN Battle Report’s No Retreat 6 in Gibraltar back in March this year – more on that later. Sitting on […]